Surprise day

The members had no clue what would happen the 23rd of April. The only thing they knew was that Joakim said they had to be there.

Morning exercise with Joakim and Rick Astley of course!

After the exercise Joakim had bought breakfast for everyone!

Ted fixed a gaming corner where we can sit and test our game


This is ment to be a placeholder but damn, its nice :)

Same thing about this one. It's the name of our group

-Progress report-

I think it's time to give you guys a progress report on how things are going both in game and with the whole building the console.

We start ingame.

Under the last 3-4 weeks we have done some major progress with deciding what artifacts (an artifact is one part of the game ex. the avatar) we are having and how they will work. We can now start produce those and implement them into the game. After we have done all the basic artifacts we can see what will boost the game and go on from there.

We have also decided how things will move on the screen. It's a step in the right direction at least. I won't tell too much, you will have to see it when it's done : )

Well let's see some before and after pictures!!

This was our first placeholder

Ingame and Start screen

If you can't see an improvement then...well it is better : )

You won't see all awesome effects until you play the game, for that I'm sorry.

The console then: Well, that is sure our biggest problem maker for the moment. We need to get going with the building of it but it's really hard to construct a whole machine when you haven't done it before. We need to know if we are able to get a 21 inch screen (we really would need that or more 3:4) or else we have to rethink the whole construction of the console and we don't have that time!

Well that's it. I will gladly update you on our progress but I have to work now.

Joakim - Producer

Ernest Adams has returned

Today was the day we have prepared for the last days, the meeting with Ernest Adams. Ernest it the one who writes our literature and comes to Sweden once in a while to do workshops and lectures. The workshops and lectures are always very interesting and you would be stupid not to participate in one if you had the chance :)

So, the meeting we thought would be a nice little chat where we got some feedback on the things we made. We were very wrong. Instead they had prepared a projector so we could do our presentation in front of them. Thank god we did a PowerPoint presentation yesterday. The whole "chat" thing turned out to be a 30minutes pitch where we tried to make Ernest understand our game concept. Philippe made the talking and he made it well, god job Phil! The other members in the group did some input, the whole thing went pretty smooth.

The Crew

This is Joakim. He is the producer and the one trying to get this blog running

Philippe "the one and only". He might look bad as but deep down he is a quite nice guy

Ted the good looking one. The only real programmer in the group

Sara. Yes she is a girl, and the only girl in this group. The only reason I don't write any of her good qualities is because she has so many

Lars the coffee-drinker. He is really good at drinking coffee and 2d of course :)

Well, this is Fredrik

Kristoffer is the only one with a cool surname, its Printz!

Problems are to be solved

This week we have had some technical problems. Joakim and Ted went to the store to buy food, we got back and was about use the microwave. After Ted heated his pasta chicken mix Joakim was about to fix his. He put the food into the microwave and set the timer to 8min, enough to get some sweet heated food. The time went on, Ted finished his food. Joakim waited frantic but his food never got any warmer. After about 15 minutes he asked Ted why the microwave didn't heat his food as fast as Ted did. The microwave did spin, it did sounds and it even had a light inside. Joakim thought everything went smooth but no. You had to push the "make the machine work as it should" butto, (Its nearly invisible) Doh!

After a while when Joakim had calmed down, Lars and Ted freaked out. What could possibly be worse than see your food but you can't eat it?

Well. The coffee was empty. Well, I must admit, you can't work if your fellow colleagues don't get their daily coffee. We had to do something. We collected all money we had for coffee so somebody could run and get some.

Mission completed: New coffee returned.

Week 3 is about to begin

Good morning mates!


Well today I will write little about the project and how we are doing. Let's start with a fast pitch.

"An active and intensive game where up to four players in spheric avatars meet head to head in a "King of the Hill" game. The goal is to push the other players over the edge and steal their points while each player's reactions and timing concurrently is tested."


Well, that's it. But I guess I could go a little deeper and show some pictures :)
Here are som lineart on the avatares real shapes (when they are not transformed into orbs)

At the left we have - Hekate - Designed her armor inspired by the Godess of Death
On the right - Arianne - A wiccan of great power

Ararat - Pious  giant with a taste for battle

Selim - The intergalactic Gunslinger

This is a little sneak peak ingame! You play one of the orbs on the board. Your mission is to knock the other orbs outside the board.
And no its not 3d, its 2d ( pretty awesome huh?) :)

This is how we want the arcade machine to look like. You can play up to 4 people, one at each side. The signs on the side of the box are meant to glow in many different cool colors.  

This is all you get untill next ingame sneak peak.
See you later!

The Adventure begins!

Or well, it began two weeks ago.
Hi there my name is Joakim Edholm and I'm the producer of the great arcade game Archaic.

So, who are we? We are a group of students working at our last 1:st year project. We are seven people total, all with a specific role.

Producer - Joakim Edholm
QA & Lead Mechanics - Phillippe Bolay
Lead Art - Sara Pauni
Lead 2D Production - Lars Johansson
Lead Programmer - Ted Wikman
Lead Design - Fredrik Larsson
Lead Marketing - Kristoffer Printz

I must apologize though I'm two weeks to late with this blog. But we didn't think of it until now. We started this blog to show you our progress so you can see how we are working and how much fun we have on the way through our goal.
Well I guess I have to start from the beginning, let me see.

Once upon a time, there was a young guy named Joakim. He was sitting under his tree and philosophized about all great game ides he had in mind. Then one day, eureka! He thought he found the greatest idea for an arcade game. He ran with his bare feet to Philippe who lived on the other side of the city of Visby. Joakim told Philippe about his great plan of idea and Philippe liked it. They started to combine their great minds and came with the first visual concept weeks before the courses "poduktionsmetodik" and "theme park" even had begun.
Everything was set. We finished the old courses and the new courses were to begin! Now we needed a group of people who we could trust through wind and fire. People who wasn't afraid of late nights and hard work! Philippe and Joakim collected all the necessary ingredients for the ritual, and the ritual began. From the ashes came Sara Pauni, Lars Johansson, Ted Wikman, Fredrik Larsson and Kristoffer Printz . We could now begin the hard work that stood in front of us.

Our first real sprint meeting in the new office!

The dynamic scrum (you don't need to know what that means J ) table is finally completed! Now we can see all the artifacts in action.

The sun was shining!

And we had to celebrate the new office. So we went to the ice-cream bar

Lars was happy

Philippe brought his home theatre system so we could digg music and dance all night!

We all stayed late on the Friday. I must say it was a great night to end a good week's work!

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