-Progress report-
I think it's time to give you guys a progress report on how things are going both in game and with the whole building the console.
We start ingame.
Under the last 3-4 weeks we have done some major progress with deciding what artifacts (an artifact is one part of the game ex. the avatar) we are having and how they will work. We can now start produce those and implement them into the game. After we have done all the basic artifacts we can see what will boost the game and go on from there.
We have also decided how things will move on the screen. It's a step in the right direction at least. I won't tell too much, you will have to see it when it's done : )
Well let's see some before and after pictures!!
This was our first placeholder

Ingame and Start screen
If you can't see an improvement then...well it is better : )
You won't see all awesome effects until you play the game, for that I'm sorry.
The console then: Well, that is sure our biggest problem maker for the moment. We need to get going with the building of it but it's really hard to construct a whole machine when you haven't done it before. We need to know if we are able to get a 21 inch screen (we really would need that or more 3:4) or else we have to rethink the whole construction of the console and we don't have that time!
Well that's it. I will gladly update you on our progress but I have to work now.
Joakim - Producer