Working with your presentation!

Recently we have had some very interesting, scary, useful and important presentations. The first one was a pitch/selling/how far have we come, how much money we will get for our project kind of presentation that Don was observing. It went, well...It could have gone better but we all learned some important things to think of when doing a presentation.

Joakim did also meet Johan Svahn ( at a lecture. He will be in the jury at GGA and one of the members to judge the "best presentation" awards. He gave us many tips how to work with PowerPoint and at the end of the lecture we had a workshop. At the workshop we worked in the project groups (of course Joakim was all alone, but strong as he is he manage very well though he was very sick) where we made a very short presentation with only 5 slides and on top of that we got filmed!

It's a very good method but GOD it's horrible to watch yourself afterwards! :)

I did learn that it is easy to do a presentation but very hard to do a good one.

//Joakim - Producer


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